It was the birthday of my boyfriend's brother a couple of weeks ago and I made his birthday cake. It took me about a week to plan the cake and about 2 days to execute the plan - yes, yes, sometimes I'm overly ambitious haha.
No, but really, one of the things I love about baking is how baked goods, especially cakes, sort of bring people together, make people happy, and make occasions a bit more special. So you see, in a way, baking for others is a responsibility - you don't mess with birthday cakes. But this responsibility I always happily welcome and fulfill to my utmost capability.:)

This is only my third time to work with fondant, my first outside school. The covering of the cake needs a lot of improvement, but overall I'm happy with this cake.

First you need a styrofoam ball. You can actually also make a cake ball or a fondant ball. Then, measure the ball's circumference and use the following formula to get one side of the pentagon and hexagon:
One side = (circumference X 2) / 30
Now, the pentagons (black) have 108degree angles between the sides. While the hexagons (white) have 120. Make a stencil of the polygons on some hard paper and use it as a guide to cut the rolled fondant.
(If you're using it for real cake/the fondant's intended to be eaten, wrap the stencils in clean wax paper before using on the fondant.)

This is probably the most challenging cake I've made so far but it was really fun. The only downside of this project is that my youngest sister is now expecting a HOGWARTS cake on her birthday.:)))
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