Monday, June 24, 2013

{Ready-Mix Baking} A Strawberry Birthday Cake

It's my sister's birthday today. She's not at home often due to her studies so we had an early celebration out last night. It was good meal. But we had no cake. And birthdays need cake.

I was scouring the kitchen for something to eat when I saw a box of Duncan Hines Strawberry Supreme cake mix. Perfect. I'm still feeling under the weather but c'mon, I can handle a ready-mix. I decided to make her a birthday cake regardless of her absence at home today.

This was my first time baking and eating Duncan Hines. As it turns out, it's one of the moistest boxed cakes ever. I followed the instructions at the back, added 2 drops of red gel food coloring to make the pinkness of the cake pop, and baked it in a 10 inch tube pan. My cake was ready in 25 mins, baked at 325F. It tasted really good, sweet enough without icing in my opinion, so I opted for a dusting of powdered sugar instead.

Now I would insert a picture of a beautifully pink tube cake here, only I don't have one because I dropped it and ruined the cake. I was able to salvage some parts and made a mini cake for my sister instead. I guess it's a good thing she won't be home afterall!

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